Monday, July 6, 2015

RX-0 Gundam Unicorn Banshee (Straight Assemble)

So, I've got some free time at my workplace. Maybe gonna do some GUNPLA to remove my boredoms.
Unicorn banshee is just like the White one. But filled with more badass backpack and dark blue-ish color.

Easy. Just do some sanding to remove nub marks and you're good to go!
But somehow, the weapon is kinda a little bit heavy. Leaving it too long will cause the arm to fell off.

Major Re-overhaul on my blog.

Holy crap it's been so long that I didn't post something huh? Alright, here's what I've got in store.

-I'm gonna change this blog into my personal HOBBY page. (GUNPLA)
-What's gonna be there is what Gunpla do I bought, WIP (Work In Progress), or maybe some review.

So from time to time, I'm gonna show each of my models that I bought so far. And after that, I'm gonna buy new models and show some WIP and more of them. Stay Tuned.

Just Bought Unicorn MG recently, But two RG boxes are from my BFF gifts.

These all of them has been assembled.