Sunday, August 28, 2016

Something has arrived.

It has been 6 months i've been looking for this kit. And now, it's in my collections. Probably gonna start assemble tomorrow. Can't wait!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

HG 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G + 0 Raiser

This kit is superrb. The details is amazing. And yes, my favorite part is the weapon! About the 0 Raiser, they are in separate box. Now, I'm gonna buy the GN sefer & GN arms.

Need another 4 more models to complete the 00 gundam series. (Arios, Cherudim, Seravee & GN Archer)

HG Zeta II

I'd never know that Zeta II is exist. So it's kinda an upgrade to the old zeta. But i didn't see it on any anime. BTW, lets get to the assembly shall we?!

There are so many runners.

Body part.

The head. They kept the old design and fuse it with the new models.

You were given a pair of holding hands & trigger hands.

Hmmmm, talking about the legs, i kinda HATE the high heels.

The final touch!

Weapons. That mega launcher is huge!

Waverider mode.

A fun build, but weird design on legs.

This one is kinda weird on design. 80% on the whole kit is blue and.... OMG the HIGH HEELS. I kinda hate the high heels though because, it's kinda unstable to stand properly.

ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos

I bough this kit a while ago.(last year if im not mistaken) When it first announced, I've already amazed to the details and the design. Talking about the design, it has a knight + skeletons vibe into it.

To be honest, i want bandai kept their productions like this. I mean, they produced very few runners, but more details & articulation. And yes, barbatos is one of the cheapest model you can get. around RM40 if i'm not mistaken.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

GP02A (MLRS Edition)

This bad boy is really HUGE! the colour scheme is very sinister looks. The original one is sparkling white, but this one, it replaced with a bit dark grey. the detail is amazing, although, the hyper Bazooka is very fragile on articulations.

My workplace

The main body

Head parts. look at the V-fins!

Half of the hyper bazooka.....

...and another half of hyper bazooka.

when you combine these two....


Size comparisons between Nu gundam beam rifle & RX-78 beam rifle

The shiled and missile pods.

The HB front canister can be hid inside the shield

The skirt parts

And the legs!

Don't mess with Anavel Gato!

Well, there you have it. I love the color scheme and it has limited pose, but that's fine by me. The EFSF really need to get their shit together. I mean, their MS suit is easily being stolen by the ZEON. (GP02, gundam thunderbolt, gerbera tetra, sinanju stein.....)

MG Thunderbolt VER.KA

This is my first time assemble MG ver.ka. When it first announce a while ago, i was amazed on how did they show that this gundam has a detachable armor features. Yes, the emergency pod can be removed and transformed. Now, i fell in love with this kit. But then again, the cloth parts were very hard to buils(Arms & legs) as they are very easy to rip apart. The backpack is really heavy. The stand should connected to the backpack itself for more stability.

Look how many runners they produced!

The emergency pod...

...can be transformed!

The main body parts....

....can be opened.....

...and the emergengy pod can be removed!
the gundam can stand quite properly if you handle it with care.

Look at that serious design by Hajime Katoki. The missile hatch can be opened.

Now, i really need to collect some money to pre-order the armor hanger for this kit. also, when the winters come, the MG Ver.Ka Psycho Zaku will come out too!